Core Buying List

We buy a wide range of makes and models in engines, transmissions, transfer cases, and cutouts.  Our price list changes monthly, or as often as our purchasing needs change.  

Please view our guidelines: Auto Cores & Scrap Buying Guidelines

Below is a consolidated version of our price sheet in a PDF document.  If you are a URG member, you can also access our prices through the URG Core Program, which are on the URG website or available directly through your Powerlink or Pinnacle inventory system.

Click links below to download and view our price lists:

 ENGINE Core Buying Price List


 Heavy Duty Core Buying List



Core Buy Prices Available on URG:
Find our engine and transmission buy prices in URG Core Reports and in your yard management system. We have partnered with URG (United Recyclers Group) to save you time and effort with electronic uploads to KB Cores through URG. Access this great new feature with NO additional cost for URG program participants! Send your core load file directly from the core load build screen on URG's core website to KB Cores purchasing application.
NO DOUBLE ENTRY. After adding all of your parts to the core load, click "Progress and Send" and the information will be sent to KB Cores.



Contact Us Today!

Commercial Purchasing: Matt Ruotsi | 708-243-0025 |

Core Purchasing: Dustin Burch | 815-295-5476 |

Engine Application/Technical: Ramiro Morales | 800-822-2673 |

Transmission Application/Technical: Troy Odgers | 800-822-2673 |